With a multitude of career options suggested by people around, selecting the right career path during these changing times can be pretty confusing. As the most experienced career counselling service provider in Surat, we help you plan and design your Career Road map.
Under the mentorship of Manish Mittal, the team at Global Careers empower you to make an informed career decision. Our Academic and Career guidance service is meticulously designed to help you discover your best-fit career and build a strong profile, which prepares you for a fulfilling educational and career journey ahead.
The holistic assessment process enables you to know yourself, your career options and understand the context in which your decisions will be made. We employ a battery of world-renowned and reliable Psychometric assessments followed by one-on-one sessions with experienced and certified career counsellors, to help you set and achieve your career goals.
A career that is ideal for you depends on four factors: your interests, intelligence, personality, and aptitude. Since such data cannot be gathered through an interview, we employ a battery of globally renowned psychometric instruments to map your mind. The career assessment results provide the education counsellor with significant information about you to help you choose a good career fit. That said, often, participants are casual while taking the psychometric tests or may misinterpret the questions, thereby providing inaccurate or false responses, leading to erroneous results as often witnessed with online counselling services. In contrast, our career assessment reports are processed, evaluated, and verified manually. As a result, the entire process becomes more reliable and objective.
One-On-One Counselling Based on the assessments, your personalized career report will list occupations that appear to be a good match with your personality, interests, intelligence, and abilities. Further, to help you understand and interpret the report, a personalized career counselling session with Mr. Manish Mittal, the Chief Career Coach, will be conducted. In conjunction with your report, his insights will help you picture your future self. With his expertise to holistically gauge your potential, he will recommend careers you must explore further.
During this step, you’ll identify the occupation that you’re most interested in, as well as alternatives to fall back on if your first choice doesn’t work out. The process involves researching and gathering information about career options you are considering from reliable resources such as the internet, professionals in the occupation, videos, books, and articles. In this regard, a job-shadowing experience that enables you to follow an employee and observe them partaking in their day-to-day work can be extremely helpful. You will look into all the requirements (e.g., education, costs, duration, etc.) for entering your chosen career field. The entire exercise will thus help you discover which career path best suits you.
Now that you have identified your career, the final step is to set up a timeline and accomplish the desired goal. You must decide on the destination, shortlist the universities, prepare for the required admission tests, and complete the application formalities for admissions. Concurrently, you must build a strong profile and resume. Our Profile Building program aims at helping you build skills by indulging in relevant activities, which can be showcased on your resume or CV, making it stand out. This includes gaining relevant experience through extracurricular activities such as sporting activities, internships, projects, summer school, community work, certifications, etc. Plans are thus brought to life, whether for college admission, or career by taking informed action. Visit the Profile Building page, if you are interested in learning more about our services. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any further support.
Career counselling is a systematic process of providing guidance and support to individuals by a Certified Career counsellor or a guide who helps you discover your educational and career potential, recommends career paths you are best suited for, and empowers you to arrive at your best fit career choice in a very systematic, scientific and unbiased manner.
An ideal career counselling process begins with assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the counselee through the use of psychometric tests. A detailed discussion follows the testing to understand their background, career aspirations, or any extraneous circumstances that should be taken into account. A career report is thus generated, which is then used by the counsellor to advise and guide the individual to make an informed career decision, which often forms the base for a well-carved career plan, empowering one to seek one’s career goals.
Academic and Career Planning is a subcomponent of life planning since your career will impact your income, lifestyle, and social status. The goal of Academic and Career Planning is to assist students with planning and preparing for opportunities after graduating from high school. These opportunities may include post-secondary education and training that leads to careers. Academic and Career planning will make your career journey smooth and ensure that you reach your full potential.
Personality, aptitude, interest, and values are essential characteristics and vital for making important career decisions. While it is possible to assess an individual’s physical characteristics, the same cannot be said about his psychological traits. Such factors are measured through Psychometric tests- tools for measuring the mind (‘metric’ = measure; ‘psycho’ = mind). In other words, Psychometric testing refers to the process of measuring a candidate’s relevant strengths and weaknesses.
Everyone’s different, but you still need standard measures! To make an informed career decision, it is imperative that an individual also consider his natural abilities, interests, internal motivator, and personality. Attempts to measure these qualities through discussion or observations are often influenced by personal prejudice and perspective, hence unreliable. That is when Psychometric tests come in handy. The psychometric tests result help map an individual’s aptitude and personality traits. When interpreted by a certified and well-experienced career counselling expert, psychometric tests result facilitates the entire career guidance process and provide the counsellor a vital piece of information about you, which is generally not revealed through an interview. As a result, the entire process of decision-making becomes more reliable and objective. A career counselling process that does not employ Psychometric Tests is often not very effective.
Breaking from the common practice of using local or unbranded sub-standard tests, we employ a battery of globally renowned psychometric instruments such as MBTI, DAT, Holland codes, etc., used by the career centers of distinguished universities including Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, etc. The tests are globally recognized and constructed by experienced psychometricians and psychologists. Most importantly, you will be counselled by Mr. Manish Mittal, one of the most trusted names and the best career counselor in Surat and India.
Psychometric tests can be taken at any point in your life, regardless of which stage you are in your career. The result can be useful to you whether you are a high school, a college, a university student, a graduate, a job seeker, or an established professional.
A student can take the Aptitude Test only if he has completed 8th grade or is at least 13 years old. MBTI (Personality test) could be attempted by only those who are at least 14 years old.
It is important to remember that low, average, and high scores on a personality test or interest questionnaire are neither intrinsically good nor bad. However, your aptitude test results depict how you did in the tests compared with others who have taken the test. During the counselling session, we will explain what your results mean and how an understanding can help you choose a career.
The entire procedure generally consumes one to two weeks. The student needs to visit our center twice to take the tests, following which he or she attends a presentation that helps him self-assess his or her personality. Once the results are prepared, the student and his or her guardian are called to discuss the results.
Unlike automated career tests, which are prone to response bias, our career assessments are manually evaluated and cross-checked, making them highly reliable.
Note: In case of urgency, you may opt for the premium service, which allows you to complete the entire procedure in 3 working days.